And a lotta fun!
Last Saturday (October 9) I was able to participate in two great activities to benefit cancer.
The first was "The Night of the Running Dead" 5K Race at This Is The Place Heritage Park.
The race was actually in the afternoon, not the night, but it was so much fun. I ran it with my friends Stu and Sarah Reeder.

Each runner signed up as either "Infected" or "Survivor". The "Survivors" started the race one minute early and it was as if the "Infected" were chasing them down. Everyone who was "Infected" was encouraged to dress up as Zombies and the like. As you probably guessed, when encouraged to dress, that is ALWAYS the way I go.
It was so fun to see the costumes people came up with and the "volunteers" along the route who help with the Zombie-rific atmosphere were hilarious.
The hills at This Is The Place kicked my butt, and I literally felt like the living dead as I attempted to run, but Sarah kept motivating me...because that's what Zombie friends do!
Thanks Sar and Stu for sharing such a fun race with me!
After the race I washed off all my Zombie and headed up to Sugarhouse Park with Brandon and the kids for the Light the Night Walk for Leukemia and Lymphoma, and celebrated the 10 year Anniversary that my beautiful friend Erin Farrer has been Cancer-free.
As a Senior in High School she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and, at what should've been the time of her life, she was fighting for her life. But she is one of the strongest people I know and she beat the cancer, and ten years later we are all celebrating with her. She is my hero.
It was definitely a day filled with fun and for good causes. Not many of my Saturdays are spent that way, so it makes me feel good!
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