Friday Feb. 27, 2009
So I was reading Parenting Magazine last night and came across this very amusing list, so I thought I'd post it.

Top Ten things not to feel guilty about...
1. Having the impulse, after discovering your kid has used your $20 lipstick to draw a giant plum-colored pig on your dining room wall, to call Brad and Angelina and ask them if they'd like to take in one more.
2. Returning the fancy but useless baby gift to the department store and spending the credit on shoes for yourself.
3. Suspecting that those stars who got their "pre-baby" bodies back in two week are on drugs.
4. Feeling secretly glad when you catch your neighbors "perfect" child in a nuclear meltdown.
5. Introducing your sister's kid-little miss organic only-to her first Twinkie.
6. Setting up play dates just with kids whose mothers you like.
7. Calling your jiggly belly your "mummy tummy" ten years after childbirth.
8. Noticing the hot dad at drop-off (hey, your just lookin').
9. Insisting on grown-up music in the car. (I like THIS ONE a lot)
10. Knowing, really knowing, with every fiber of your being, that your kid is the cutest one in their class picture.


Donavan Family said...

This is pretty funny. I can relate to the twinkie one, I have a sister in law who is pretty strict with her 3 year old and I almost sent him into shock when I let him have a sip of Sprite!

Katie said...

That is a pretty good list. But, I have to say, feeding diet coke to a ten month old from their bottle is a little much. The lipstick think never happened to you did it. That would stink.